Sunday, May 4, 2008

"Superest Weekend"

"Mom, this was the SUPEREST weekend! I got new markers (he's been wanting new ones for a while), we went camping, I played my soccer game, I got my trophy, we went to the airshow and saw airplanes and was great!" In the words of Isaac, that sums up our weekend. Well, at least the guy's weekend. Friday afternoon about 4:00, Eric and the boys pulled out for Father and Sons campout. Eric said they had a wonderful time until bedtime. Apparently our air mattress has a pretty speedy leak and was completely flat by the time he was ready for bed. Eric didn't have a sleeping bag, so he used the few blankets I sent to try and pad the ground. We've been having really warm nights, so I only sent three and unfortunately a cold front happened to come through that night. The boys were snug in their sleeping bags, but Eric was quite miserable.

They got up in the morning and by the time they braved the cold outdoors and cleaned up their site, breakfast was gone. The early bird gets the worm! So they hit McDonald's on their way home and made it just in time for us to change Isaac and head off to his last soccer game.

The morning continued to be cold and windy, but Isaac played a great game anyway. He's finally finding the confidence to get in and get the ball. After his game we headed to the park for more cold and wind...I mean, his end of season soccer party where he received his trophy. THE reason he plays soccer. It's definitely the highlight.

L to R - Coach Todd, Isaac, Coach Eric

(Just a good picture of a couple of my men!)

After the party, we rushed home and I sent all the guys off to the airshow, where they met up with our friends, the Galloway's, and had a great time. They got to sit in helicopters, airplanes, jets, etc. They were quite impressed.

Eric couldn't get Carter to turn around for the picture. Why would he when there's a plane flying by behind him?
This was an old Russian airliner (I think!)
Picture of a helicopter with the annoying boy who wouldn't get out of the way cropped out so Eric could look at the picture in peace!

Ashlyn and I had quite a different weekend. After the boys left, we hopped on my bike and went for a ride around the neighborhood (aka apartment complex). We came back for dinner then read and played and I put her to bed. I spent the rest of the night sewing. A friend directed me to a blog that has a really fun dress to make. I finished this first one Friday morning, and am 90% done with the one I sewed Friday night. All I lack are the straps, which I needed Ashlyn for and she was sleeping. I'll post pictures of the second one when it is finished. I made it out of one of my mom's old shirts that doesn't fit, but that I haven't been able to part with. The first one was made out of one of my old shirts.



Saturday wasn't nearly as exciting. We hit a couple of garage sales in the morning, but then the day was taken up with soccer, napping (which is nice), babysitting, and cleaning. It was a nice day, just not as fun as the days I'm doing my projects!


cms87 said...


It looks like everyone had a ton of fun! Dwain took the boys on a father and sons campout and didn't take any pictures. :o( Also, I can't wait to try to make a dress too.

The Mullenaux Family said...

Looked like a lot of fun! Love air shows...