The boys got a hold of my camera the other day and while I was looking through the hundred (not exaggerating) pictures that they took, I saw these and they made me laugh. We are CONSTANTLY catching crickets at our house - most alive, some dead. Here is the story, frame by frame, of one lost cricket...
3 months ago
Aubrey, your back! I thought you might have be assassinated by the PTO. I love all of the pictures. I am sorry that the boys got sick. LOL about the camera. (That happened to me not the long ago. But, I didn't get any cute picture out of it.) And good luck while Eric is gone and good luck with all of your residency stuff. Call me when you are board or need to vent. :o)
Your family is so adorable Aubrey! Good luck with all the applications for your husband!
So it's about time you posted! I loved the cricket pics, pretty cute. I can't believe you are PTO president, you're amazing! I hope you're enjoying the fall! Thanks for posting it was fun to catch up with your family! :)
Good thing for digital cameras. Could you imagine back in the day if you picked up a roll of film and it was all of crickets?
I love your new blog...very cute. How did you have time to do everything being PTO President. You are one amazing mom!!
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