Ashlyn helped herself to the donuts. After gnawing off the top of one, she was ready to go after another, but I just flipped it over for her. She got very excited and said "Thank you, Mommy!"
We had Eric's traditional "birthday" tree decorated beautifully until Ashlyn got a hold of it. Notice there are no balloons on the bottom half of the tree. Ashlyn thought it was hilarious to take them off and bite them until they popped.
After breakfast, Eric and the boys went and shot bows, and then we took the boys shopping and to the movies. When we got home, I desperately tried to frost Eric's cake and clean the house in an hour. Yes, I procrastinate, but we had planned on an earlier movie and no shopping! Anyway, I had to try and have everything nice before we met Eric's parents for dinner for the big SURPRISE party afterward. Thanks Amanda for saving me after a panicked call of "Please help!" Dinner was great and then we headed home. I haven't been able to surprise Eric for ANYTHING lately (not even his Christmas and Birthday presents), so I was feeling pretty smug that he didn't have a clue about what was waiting for him. Well, he of course had to drive in a different entrance to our apartment complex then he usually does and just started laughing when he saw all of our friends' minivans lined up in a row. He told me not to feel bad, though. "It's just like finding out what you're having at the ultrasound instead of waiting until the baby is born. It's still exciting!"
We can't all get together without our youngest party goers. As the four years have gone, it has gotten harder and harder for all of us to fit in one apartment!
Fun Birthday pics! I loved the cake! Did you make that? Very creative and cute! Oh and "Tureeko", is hilarious! ;)
Happy b-day again to Eric. Aubrey you really know how to throw a party. We really enjoyed the evening. you guys are great!
Yeah that was an awesome cake by the way (as always). You gotta post some pictures of Issac's party also. I heard amazing things about it. Oh, BTW, I like my shiny hair in the picture. :)
Happy birthday old dude! Someday I'll actually call you on the day of.... :)
Happy Birthday! Dwain is right behind you. . . :o)
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