I have been moving rocks (see background of first picture) for the last couple of weeks trying to prepare a spot for my garden. Don't worry - you'll see a full span of pictures once I'm ready to plant. :) Anyway, one day while we were out there working, the kids decided to study the rocks. They collected their own samples and then drew about them in their journals. They also studied birds and spiders while we were out there. Carter's second love, behind building of course, is science and Isaac loves it, too. They're always asking to do science experiments, so if anyone has any cool ones, let me know! You can only do so much with baking soda and vinegar, although I have been able to stretch it pretty well! We also did an acid/base test on lots of different liquids in our house. Carter had a chart that he would draw a picture of the liquid in the correct column after we did our test. I thought it would be a good idea to draw a picture of a lemon for lemon juice, etc., but he wanted to draw the liquid. So each column MAY have a bunch of indistinguishable pictures of liquids in them, aka - scribbles, but at least we had fun!
Always need a little refreshment after a hard day of brain work!
Their constant desire to learn and do really stretches me. Sometimes I'd rather turn on a movie and leave my mind dormant than have "science school" or "building school" or "cooking school" - and I have to admit that sometimes I do, but I'm trying to be better. Thank goodness for the internet. What did parents do without it? It saves me from always having to say "I don't know." Instead, my new favorite phrase to their endless questioning is "Let's look it up on the internet." It doesn't save me entirely, though. Even the internet doesn't know who made the first toy sword.
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