Thursday, October 4, 2007

Camera HELP!

You guys are all photographers. I need your help finding a camera! True, I'm not the professional, but I would like something that took decent pictures. Think "Great pictures, but pocket size." I've been trying to read reviews, but there is so much and I don't understand half of it! (I know, publish my ignorance to the world!) I'm going crazy without a camera, but just can't make a decision. I would love to hear your advice!


Allison said...

Aub...pocket size, I would go with a Kodak. I bought mine from Wal-mart about two years ago and loved it. I dropped it a million times, and it finally broke a week ago. I almost cried, but went to the store and bought another one Different model, but agian I love it! I have made 8x10 blowups and burned videos to a DVD from it. They have all been very clear. It is also very user friendly. I went through three different little cameras, before I found this one and was a little hesitant because it didn't carry the "canon" name like all my other equipment. You can't go wrong!!! Good luck!!

Leah said...

I wish I knew. All I use are my big ol guys. I have heard good things about Canon Powershot and Nikon Coolpics though. And to answer your question....I think she would help you....It can't hurt to ask....I am giving her a discount on pictures maybe you guys could figure out a payment plan or something?

Binghams said...

Okay Aub...I'm not the photographer either but I have to agree with Allison who IS a photographer. We also have a Kodak-Easyshare V530 to be exact. We bought it several years ago and it is a good little camera. Adam was so against buying cameras from Walmart but we'd also heard good things about it from others and on Consumer Reports, so we went with it. Ours has features for cartoon printouts, black and white, sepia, etc., and you can edit your pictures once you download them to your computer (more or less lighting, etc.) It's kinda nice because I take a crappy picture not knowing anything about lighting and then I can make it better once I download it. Hope this helps! Good luck!

Steph Thomas said...

My next camera I definitely want one that has good quality zoom in. It seems as though most of my pictures I zoom in and they don't come out very good. That is what I am going to look for in the next one I get.

Jen said... I am not much help. All I have are my big canon camera's. I wanting something little to keep in my bag. I just haven't done the research. So when you figure it out let me know :)