Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day of Hiking

The weekend after Spring Break, Cari and I wanted to do something fun, so she brought the kids down and we decided to hike Sombrero Mtn. We attached the small ones to us, then off we went.

Carter and Kinnedy are only two months apart and are quite remarkably similar in many of their character traits. For example, you can hardly tell one's whine and cry from the other. They started out well, but then alternated with the whole whine/cry thing until they were able to effectively drive us bonkers. As cute as they are, they're not invited next time! It was a little sad when Kinnedy fell victim to a jumping cactus, but thankfully it pulled right out.

The older kids, on the other hand, couldn't get enough.

They were really disappointed that we weren't going all the way to the top. It was a bit too ambitious for us. Ashlyn, was fantastic. She slept most of the way, and when it was time for a break...

...we conviently deposited her.
We stopped at a really neat rock cropping. I'd be scared to go there in the middle of the summer - too many hiding places for snakes - but it was great fun in the spring.

We made it back down in one piece and Cari and I are already looking forward and upward to our next adventure - I guess. Kinnedy took the picture. Who knows!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We really are the funnest moms ever.