Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ashlyn's "School"

I've been trading off babysitting with my friend, Natalie, so that we can volunteer at the kids' schools. Ashlyn LOVES going to Natalie's house. It is her school and she asks every day if she can go. They have their routine of Amy's room, Elmo, and apple sauce. Carter went once (he's usually at preschool) and totally threw off her groove. She wasn't happy. It is also very important that she take her back pack when she goes. As you can see, it's loaded with the essentials...

...such a burden to carry!
I'm glad she loves going so much. It's nice to know she's in good hands!
(I'm still waiting for the day that she likes and actually cooperates for the camera. She was all smiles - all morning - because it was school day.)

1 comment:

Briana said...

Those pictures crack me up! It's almost a little disturbing to see the baby dolls crammed in the air-tight space! I know you already know this, Aubrey, but she is adooooooorable!